Sometimes I have to disabuse myself of the notion that art should be easy. This notion is reinforced by the many YouTube videos on painting that I watch. They make it LOOK easy. Should I stop watching? I don’t know – I’ve learned things.
So here’s the story of my latest painting. It is not a story of success.

If Only I Could Just Make Underpaintings!
I am so optimistic about my beginnings. Excellence is still possible. But then I have to wrestle with color and value. COLOR AND VALUE. Shoot me now.

Just Starting and Yet Somehow Already Going Off the Rails
I have always had trouble painting white objects. So of course I am painting white objects again.
Warm or cool light? Warm or cool shadows? Remember fat over lean. Use bigger brushes. Don’t make changes until the canvas is covered. Don’t add white until you absolutely have to (oops).

Wrong Color!
I am beginning to despair. Can this painting be saved? More paint. Maybe more is more?

Is It Finished, Or Am I?
The painting is finished when my interest in starting something new is stronger than my interest in finishing this one. I want to paint what I’ve just learned. Each painting is a small step forward.
More white objects. More painting and repainting. Never give up.